Check Out Jared Leto's Incredible Hair Evolution!

(Credit: Jared Leto's mint blue hair)

There aren't a lot of casual 30 Second To Mars fans. Sure maybe there are those who admire their haunting, epic rock tracks. But for the most part Jared Leto and his band of his brother and Tomo inspire a significant amount of passion. To put it lightly.

One member of The Echelon (the name of 30STM's most devoted followers) has found a very specific focus for their obsession; namely, the many hairstyles and hair colors of Jared Leto. Created by a Facebook user who goes by the name "Jared Leto's mint blue hair," you'll see in the photo above, a lovingly assembled and incredibly detailed chart of every iteration of Leto's hair evolution.

From January, 2005's proto-Bieber mop-top to December, 2010's Smurf blue, no strand is left un-tousled. Our particular faves are the December 2008 - January 2009 "Lost Kings Of Leon member" look, as well as the "Is It Hair Product or Lack of Shampoo" era of late 2009.

What are your favorite Jared Leto hair months? Let us know in the comments. And to see some of these hairstyles in motion, check out 30STM's awesome "Closer To The Edge" video below, and watch their epic new film, "Hurricane."

And become a fan of Jared Leto's mint blue hair on Facebook!


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