Jared leto no Haiti

Ontem atraves do twitter do jared leto, ficamos a saber que ele está no Haiti , foi isto que ele postou:
"Yes, as some of you have figured out I am indeed in HAITI. Years have passed and I’ve finally returned to this magical land. It’s been an intense and sobering adventure so far. I will be sending information as I journey so stay tuned…"
em que nos diz, que ele esta realmente no Haiti, e que voltou lá passados vários anos, a esta terra mágica. e que tem sido uma aventura. e tem partilhado fotos.
Desde o dia de ontem, ten nos mantido informados, por isso estejam atentos ao twitter do jared leto.
Aqui fica o ultimo update:
"HAITI UPDATE: What a day it has been. We spent most of it in a place called Leagone which is close to an hour outside of Port Au Prince and the town hit hardest by the quake. It was a remarkable trip. Unforgettable and informative. In addition to filming the trip I am shooting photographs for an upcoming book that I am releasing to raise much needed money for Haiti. On top of a detailed written account of this experience and the recollections of the time I spent here as kid the first two photographs I shot are a good example of what will be in the book. It will not only look at the devastating tragedy of last january but will celebrate the beauty and possibilities of this country and its people."
Mas, nós continuaremos a estar atentas ao twitter do jared e partilhar com todos vocês.

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